
About Me

Hello! I'm Omar from SYRIA, A Minecraft plugins/server developer.
I’ve worked with a lot of Minecraft server owners and staff, developing custom servers and plugins. I have 4 years of experience in creating Minecraft plugins,
Setting up servers and implementing security measures. I'm knowledgeable about server hosts and operating systems, including griefing and DDoS issues,
And consider myself a lil minecraft gray hat hacker (I focus on security without compromising others' experiences).
Well... That was me in the past
Currently, I’m focused on styding about what i am interested in, about
Mechatronics Engineering, which includes learning about mechanical, electrical, electronic, and software engineering.
And developing & selling minecraft plugins and a litlle bit of Games-development in unity in my free time.
I take pride in my journey so far and always strive to push my limits and learn new technologies and skills.



Minecraft Projects

Work Experience